

My name is Jeff, and I love teaching and designing instruction. I have three passions: The restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching and learning, and psychology

A passion for teaching

I have taught a number of courses related to psychology and instructional technology, including Educational Psychology, Personality Theory, General Psychology, Computer Applications for Instruction and Training, and Distance Learning Tools, Cognition, Research Methods, and History of Psychology. I believe the best teachers systematically evaluate their teaching against well-research best practices, and continually make adjustments to improve. Complacency is the enemy of good teaching, and the focus should always be squarely on the students. 

I believe that faculty at Church universities have a unique opportunity and obligation to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ an integral part of the classroom experience. My mission as a teacher is to help students become disciple-consumers of psychology — to be able to understand psychology through the lens of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to use psychology to advance their witness and testimony of the Savior.